From the early 1990's, the MILO TEAM has been a list of who is who in snowboarding. Here are some of the greatest riders to ever strap in. We are blessed to call them friends, and to have them as part of the MILO TEAM. We are who we are in large part because of these legends. #milolegends
Scotty Goodale

One of the best humans to ever walk the earth, Scotty was an amazing snowboarder, great friend, awesome husband and Dad! He wore every title with pride, but loved the titles of husband and father the best. Great person, awesome smile, and super amazing laugh! We miss you Scotty. Scotty Rips!
Timmy is a fantastic person. The epitome of optimism, Tim can always be found challenging himself to be better, to do more and to be a better dude. Great family, great friend, and and amazing snowboarder! Stoked to call Tim part of the MILO team.
With a knowledge of Brighton Resort unlike any other, Seth is an amazing snowboarder. From his days filming with Mackdawg, People, and Volcom; Seth is a staple in the snowboarding community. He has ridden for some of the best companies out there, and he still can blow you away with his riding. Seth now finds himself constantly promoting others, helping further the sport of snowboarding, and doing great things. Thanks Seth!
Tonino is as good as they come. A great snowboarder, and a great person. He is a staple in Big Cottonwood Canyon. He can still be seen ripping Marys chutes at Brighton Resort, leading the pack down Milly bowl, or chasing laps on Crest. Good dude. Good human.
Josh has as much to do with the success of Milo as any person in the world. Through his ming attitude, and the respect he generates through his riding, Josh is a person that everyone wants to be around. Stoked to call him friend and team rider. Never be able to repay you dude! Thanks!!!
With a pro career spent riding alongside Mackdawg, People, and Videograss, Jordan possesses some of the best style in the world.
One of the most powerful snowboarders I have ever seen, Mikey represents all short Irish men with pride and stoke. As a pro, he constantly set himself apart, and now as owner of Holden Outerwear, he continues to show us all how to be creative, successful, and responsibly. Thanks Mikey.
Creative, fun, and always stoked. Travis is awesome, and will always be awesome. He style and enthusiasm is not only contagious, but welcome in the world of snowboarding. Thanks dude.
Laura rules. Her creativity, her determination and her focus has helped Laura become a pillar in the snowboard community and the SLC community. As she continues achieving her goals, Laura, no doubt will have more to contribute to the sport and to environmental issues that are close to her heart
Can’t help but smile when you run into Noah. Still a super shredder at the Bird, Noah is a hero to old dudes and young guns as well. Super cool style, and a super laid back attitude make Noah someone you will always want to ride with. Thanks Noah.
Milo Legacy Team
Mitch is amazing. Such a good snowboarder, and even a better husband and father. Mitch enjoyed a great career riding for a bunch of cool companies, and can still shred with the best.
MFM is one of the fastest and most powerful riders to ever ride at Brighton. I remember watching his lines down Mary’s Chutes while I was on the Milly lift. All you could do was shake your head.
Jason was a regular with the Mack Dawg crew, back in the day. His bag of tricks seemed endless and his contagious attitude always stoked people out.
Boznuts. As you can see from the pic, he didn’t always have tattoos. Nate is a great snowboarder, and great skateboarder, and a great person.
From AK, Jon is a great snowboarder and skateboarder, with style that seems endless. Jon is a rail beast, and helped develop styles of riding and fashion that are still hitting today. Stoked to call Jon a friend.
One of Cal’s favorite riders of all time, Dummy is one of a kind. He can still blow you mind on a snowboard, but now likes to chase his kids around the hill. Stoked to call Dummy a friend.
Dave is an amazing snowboarder, ambassador, and person. He still loves to ride with groms all over the world, promoting snowboarding and skateboarding.
One of the early team members, Jordans creativity was unmatched. He was one of the founders of Capita Snowboards, and was instrumental in bringing amazing creativity to the sport and the that brand. Stoked to have known Jason.